Saturday, May 16, 2020

Distractions while Driving - 879 Words

Many people have lost their lives on the road and caused other’s deaths because they were distracted with doing something while driving. In 2012, 3,328 people were killed in distraction-related crashes (â€Å"Statistics on Texting Cell Phone Use While Driving† n.d.). Distractions while driving that result in these accidents include texting/making a call or becoming intoxicated and having high blood alcohol concentration. Many laws have been brought forth to help regulate the amount of people drinking while driving and using a cell phone while driving. Not only do people put their own lives in danger, they are also putting other’s lives in danger. People who take part in these distractions are not being responsible when making these rash decisions while driving and creating a hazardous environment for those around them. Drinking and Driving People like to go to parties and have fun all the time and what’s a party without alcohol, right? The problem with drinking at parties, however, is that many don’t know that they have become drunk and end up driving around after they leave the party. Drunk driving is dangerous and those driving that have high blood alcohol content or concentration (BAC) increases their risk of causing or being a part of accidents such as vehicle crashes or highway injuries (â€Å"Driving,† n.d.). The article â€Å"About Drunk Driving† (n.d.) states that every 53 minutes on average, someone is killed in a drunken driving crash and every 90 seconds, someone is injured.Show MoreRelatedMobile Use While Driving Is A Distraction1425 Words   |  6 PagesA. Smartphone use while Driving is a Distraction The state of Texas needs more restrictive laws on use of hand held devices, such as cellphones or smartphones while driving to reduce the amount of distraction to drivers. 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